It was sacred to Diana, a young vital virgin who kept her independence. Do not place any malachite in your mouth. Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. Dream Interpretation, Analysis, & Meanings, Claddagh Ring Meaning, History & How to Wear It. At the core of the green malachite metaphysical meaning are healing and protection. A stunning expression of Malachite’s connection to Diana is her Temple in Ephesus that’s adorned heavily with this beautiful stone. $15.95. [Megemont, 119] It was believed that a piece of the stone attached to an infant's cradle, would keep away all evil spirits and the child would sleep soundly and peacefully. Malachite absorbs negative energies and pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere and from the body. If placed on the third eye it will activate visualisation and psychic vision. It enhances vitality, brings abundance, and keeps us growing physically. Malachite Crystal Meaning and Uses The beautifully patterned green stone known as malachite is, fundamentally, a crystal of growth and transformation. Malachite and azurite bring together the green of the earth and the blue of the sky, as Isis is the daughter of Earth and Sky. Malachite is not the traditional birthstone of any month. Malachite Meaning There are quite a few places that Malchite is found throughout the world, and it could be said to be quite common, as it is found in a number of countries. It helps in the healing of fractures, swollen joints, growths, tumors, torn muscles and broken bones. [Hall 2, pp. JavaScript seem to be disabled in your browser. Malachite’s protective quality makes you more alert to danger, and supports you to take precautionary measures. They are affectionate, known for their tempers and very stubborn. [Megemont, 119] It has been called the Midwife Stone. Modern metaphysicians use it for that purpose too, but in a divinatory kit of crystals it can represent ill-intent aimed in the direction. Many specimens of Malachite combine with other minerals, such as Azurite, Cuprite, or Chrysocolla. When used, worn or meditated upon, it will draw out and reflect whatever is impeding spiritual growth, and is best used in conjunction with meditation to help balance and release the debris that is revealed. [Melody, pp.] Malachite absorbs negative energy, Amethyst is a fantastic spiritual stone, and Pyrite helps in grounding. There are other Angels that are partial to Malachite. In this section you will find information on all three approaches. In the same vein, it is even called the “Stone of Transformation.” Ancient Egyptians carved malachite jewelry, scarabs, and amulets, and used it in grave goods. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs. [Eason, 42, 283], Malachite is known for being a stone of support for airplane and airline workers as a protection against accidents, miners for protection from unexplained accidents, and for secretaries to stimulate clear thinking. Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes you for spiritual guidance. Crystals of green also honor Persephone, the Greek Goddess of Spring. In some parts of Germany, Malachite shared with Turquoise the repute of protecting the wearer from danger in falling, and also gave warning of approaching disaster by breaking into pieces. Malachite provides for spiritual maturation and supports transformation. In some parts of Italy, people wore malachite pieces resembling eyes to ward away the Evil Eye. Azurite Malachite Properties. If you’re planning on sitting back and waiting on the Universe – forget it. This is the energy of Malachite; all in one magnificent, magickal and mysterious stone. [Hall, 183-4], Malachite helps battle depression and anxiety, gives resistance to emotional blackmail and heals emotional abuse, especially when suffered in childhood. Malachite is a member of the copper family. Wearing Malachite strengthens the love earthy Taurus feels for the natural world, Scorpio's animal nature transforms into a productive creative force, and the creativity unleashed in Cancer is spectacular for artists, painters, and musicians. Malachite is often used as an ore of copper. Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. Malachite is a rich shade of green and its meaning is transformation and positive change. Meanings and Properties of Malachite Stone This green adornment was not only cosmetic, it was reported to stimulate clear vision and insight. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. You can click on the Natural Birthstone graphic below to learn more. Stories tell us that Diana preferred living in the mountains close to the heavens. The imagery also supports the symbolism of Visionary abilities. Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007). That’s a Divine connection that other metaphysical crystals will find difficult to surpass (well but for Lapis, who loves taking center stage and brag a bit). Increase understanding and intuition. What is the spiritual meaning of Malachite? It brings a sense of playful contradiction, as evidenced by its green banded light and dark green colorings, that reaches into its energy of transformation. Malachite has protective powers and aims to support in times of change. You are a Taurean if you were born between late April and late May. A principle trait of malachite is its characteristic circular “banding”. In the Middle Ages, Malachite was believed to protect against the "Evil Eye" and to cure various stomach ailments. The fierce warrior that is a mother. It has an opaque transparency and sometimes has a patterned surface. [Hall, 184] It is also an excellent stone for the re-birthing process, providing easy disposal of opposing encounters. Read more about Azurite Malachite healing properties information and view beautiful photo galleries below. [Mella, 129,132-133], (Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. Azurite Malachite comes in both massive and crystalline form, with colors ranging from green to blue. Lighter Malachite crystals promote spiritual growth and renewed commitment to a higher purpose. Thus, it aids healing in general. For those highly evolved and dedicated to humanitarian purposes, it assists in grounding higher energies onto the planet for those purposes. Protector and Ruler of the dates September 3-7; Virgo. We must again warn you: use only polished Malachite. Malachite is a stone of deep green and lighter green. It shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, draws out deep feelings, then allows you to break unwanted ties and old patterns. [Megemont, pp.] [Eason, 283], As a stone of travel, Malachite protects and overcomes fears of flying if you empower the crystal before a trip by holding it and envisioning yourself in the wings of the Archangel, Raphael. Malachite can be used for scrying. [Megemont, 119]. One of the visual characteristics of Malachite is a distinctive peacock-like pattern that also resembles an eye. Malachite is a Guardian Builder Crystal. Malachite is a copper carbonate mineral that forms in unusual swirling patterns. Place it on the body with a small cloth under it. Malachite is one of the zodiac stones for those born in the heart of spring, under the sign of Taurus, from 20 April - 20 May. This is particularly useful for people on a spiritual path, or in recovery, for releasing guilt. For those in a purification process, Malachite acts as a purger and a mirror to the subconscious, reflecting into the conscious mind that which needs to be cleansed. It shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, draws out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, then allows you to break unwanted ties and outworn patterns. People wore it regularly in talismans and amulets. With its rich green color, the malachite is indeed one of the most beautiful stones that you can have. Malachite: Stimulates loving tolerance toward others, balanced and flexible attitudes. Malachite has the ability to serve different purposes for different people. Protector and Ruler of the dates June 6-10; Gemini. In the physical world they are fantastic amulets for protecting your loved ones, your possessions, and your physical security. Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II (Albuquerque, NM: Brotherhood of Life, Inc., 1986). Malachite can help reveal causes of dis-ease and provide answers to maintaining health. Vertigo: This stone protects you from vertigo. The form of these Malachite amulets is usually triangular and mounted in silver. Malachite Properties and Meaning. If you use this stone, use common sense. [Gienger, pp.] [Hall, 184-185][Eason, 283]. Malachite is highly protective. It was also a component of the distinctive Egyptian eye shadow called Kohl, a word that means “safeguard” or “protect”. It manifests a deep Devic green which rules the material plane. It is often placed on the body’s solar plexus area and works by removing or pulling out all the accumulated negative powers, feelings, or physical barriers. Malachite reveals the truth about oneself and brings to the surface that which is unknown or unseen to the conscious mind. [Kunz, 137]. Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003). Enter your email to subscribe to the Basic Crystal Users Course and receive discounted membership in the Crystal Inner Circle. Malachite is a rich shade of green and its meaning is transformation and positive change. It also encourages healthy relationships based on love and not need. Yet the movement, flow and energy in its lines, circles and designs soothe and welcome. Malachite absorbs negative energies and pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere and from the body. Spellcraft works, but ritual really makes Malachite sing. So in this form as well as a healing stone, Malachite bears strong shielding energies including turning away negative spells and intentions. Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes you for spiritual guidance. It clears and stimulates the chakras and attunes both the mind and soul to spiritual guidance. Malachite raises one’s vibrations speeding up the natural healing process of the human body. Grid  Malachite has all these characteristics too. [Hall, 183] Keep near microwaves in the kitchen and televisions in living areas. [Melody, 395]. Raphael is known as the Glory Angel; Tree of Life, the Angel of Wednesday, the Ruler of  Mercury. Green talismans are perfect for keeping a venture on course, a project on schedule, and life on track. Different shades of green swirl together with black to create a beautiful pattern over the stone’s surface. Holding one and sitting quietly on the ground for a few minutes helps many people to be more aware of the earth as a living organism upon whom we are totally dependent. Protector and Ruler of the dates July 7-11; Cancer. He is the Angel of Compassion, Knowledge, Progress, Repentance, and Love. Malachite’s name comes from the … Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment (Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1985). Mining Locations: Worldwide including: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Congo, Greenland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, UK, USA, Zambia, Zaire, Chemical Composition: Cu2(CO3)(OH)2, Copper Carbonate Hydroxide. Malachite Meaning and Healing Powers. It reminds us we have come here to co-create with the Universe, and helps in identifying the steps necessary to bring dreams, visions and wishes into physical reality. Like a best friend who always has your back, malachite is always there, supporting you to believe in yourself and make good decisions to take care of yourself. It resonates with the female sexual organs, and treats sexual dis-ease, especially when caused by traumatic past experiences. [Megemont, 120], Malachite was considered to be a talisman for children. It manifests a deep Devic green which rules the material plane. It is part of the monolithic crystal system and has a silky luster. The Meaning of Malachite Stone. In the workplace Malachite protects against noise, over-bright fluorescent lighting, and harmful rays from technological equipment, negative phone calls and emails. As with so many other glorious stones the Egyptians were the earliest culture to use malachite, mining it from King Soloman’s Mines (not a bad way to start in this world!). Malachite can be used for scrying, journeying through the stones convoluted patterns releases the mind and stimulates pictures. The second way is to find your natural birthstone by the color wheel of life. Malachite Spiritual Healing Properties How Malachite works on your body consciousness The first thing you instantly feel connecting your energy field with Malachite is that its unicity also comes from its remarkably dense frequency (due to copper and deep green). [Hall, 185], Malachite is an effective remedy for female problems, especially regulating the menstrual cycle and cramps, and for easing labor. [Kunz, 97] Because of Malachite's peculiar markings, some of which suggest the form of an eye, Malachite was worn in parts of Italy as an amulet to protect the wearer from the spell of the Evil Eye. Although some of the best specimens come from Zaire, this stone also comes from South Africa, Romania, the Congo, Russia, Australia, Chile and the USA. Such a gem would become a powerful talisman and protected the wearer from enchantments, evil spirits, and from the attacks of venomous creatures. While the Greeks focused on a solar aspect, Romans had a lunar view of Malachite. Green is also associated with money, wealth and prosperity although on the negative side it can also be linked to envy and jealousy. They were stones of security and protection for children, and their most remarkable association today is the ability to warn of impending danger by breaking into pieces. [Simmons, pp.] The Emotional and Spiritual Benefits of … Protector and Ruler of the dates January 1-5; Capricorn. It has an opaque transparency and sometimes has a patterned surface. To channel Azurite healing properties, create a sacred healing space free of clutter. The table below gives you the information about them. ... A pendulum is a simple tool for yes/no answers to questions to and from the spiritual world. Different spiritual traditions associate malachite with different signs of the zodiac. Like many gemstones, malachite possesses a number of different symbolic meanings. The green mineral rock’s protective powers at the heart of malachite meaning provide protection from negativity during transition or transformation. If placed on the third eye it will activate visualisation and psychic vision. Please check back at 3pm EST to see our brand new look! Placed on the Third Eye, it activates visualization and psychic vision. It supports friendships and empathy for other people. They help in development efforts, in learning new skills and knowledge, and in building new relationships. In either context we recommend a ritualistic approach. Helps to Heal Anxiety and the Angel Tuesday. It identifies, regulates, and releases suppressed negative experiences or trauma, and provides emotional healing. Green Malachite Metaphysical Meaning, spiritual influences, and magick properties. This is … Crystal Energy: Protection, a Healed Heart, Chakras: Heart (4th), Throat (5th), Third Eye (6th), Mind: Curiosity; Creativity (the Muse); Artistic flair; Transformation; Spirit of Adventure; Stress; Clarity, Body: Sensuality; Pregnancy & Labor charm; Female cycles; Strengthening the spine / bones / joints; Kidney and intestinal disorders; Purging toxin, Spirit: Releasing outworn patterns; Empathy; Past Life / Karma; Spiritual love; Heart and throat chakra; Connecting with Elementals; Vision; Divination. Increase understanding and intuition. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes. Collectors have crosses that date back to the fifteenth century. This most certainly the spirit of Malachite. Spiritually speaking, however, Malachite’s mythology was much more spectacular. Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007). Journeying through its convoluted patterns releases the mind, assisting in receiving insights from the subconscious or messages from the future. It was mined as far back as 4000 BC by the ancient Egyptians, used as a pigment for green pottery and paint. Malachite is a copper carbonate mineral that forms in unusual swirling patterns. MALACHITE MEANING Malachite mineral rock meaning is all about protection, change and renewal. Green Malachite Metaphysical Meaning. Green crystals bring you renewal, success in new ventures, and good health. Read more about Malachite crystal healing properties below, complete with beautiful photo galleries and large desktop background image! Those of a darker hue are talismans of physical growth and strength, and safety in travel. In some parts of Italy, people wore malachite pieces resembling eyes to ward away the Evil Eye. There are several ways to find an appropriate birthstone. Protector and Ruler of the dates Sept.8-12; Virgo. It's healing powers will not be diminished. Both groups of people need all the protection they can get. As an interesting aside that adds extra attributes to Malachite, Mallows feature in healing preparations specifically for cough, cold and throat irritation. Combined with the Earth Power of a Builder, these crystals are perfect aids in building up wealth, or improving our lot in life both materially and spiritually. Malachite is often used to … You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Malachite is like your blunt friend; instead of tiptoeing around your feelings, it gets right to the point. This mineral was first reported in 1747 and was named by J.G. Malachite is considered “The Stone of Transformation.” It get’s this identity from its ability to be particularly helpful when it comes to undergoing major life changes or starting a new project or goal. Finally many people use the traditional stones of the Zodiac. Rather, they hide their strength behind an opaque mask, obscuring the power they possess. Malachite is considered to be the ‘mirror of the soul’. If you wear malachite and it breaks, it’s said to warn you of oncoming danger. This healing crystal’s green color also gives it strong associations with the Vital Life Force of all things including Nature. The diversity of Malachite’s energy makes it a very adaptable healing crystal suited to many situations. The copper content of this mystical stone also means you can channel that energy in the direction its most needed, or transform it like the ancient smiths into the best energy matrix for that moment. [Ahsian, 248], The name Malachite may come from the Greek word malakee, or malache, signifying the resemblance of Mallow leaves, or from the Greek word malakos, meaning soft. On love and not need by malachite spiritual meaning women and splendor had the nickname of Lady malachite. Malachite that mean mallow-green-stone was named by J.G supplements or exercise programs malachite utilizes Wood energy, the metaphysical of. Specimen is extremely rare to see in crystallized form, but when it is the energy of malachite one. Books, 2009 ) you wear malachite and it breaks, it gets to. Also honor Persephone, the Greek Goddess of Egyptian mythology the solar plexus, it was reported stimulate! For spiritual guidance malachite utilizes Wood energy, Amethyst is a copper carbonate mineral that in! Tree of Life, the Book of Gems and crystals ( Rochester,:! 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