Classrooms with high levels of organization show effective strategies for behavior management, maximization of learning time, and engagement in successful implementation of academic activities (Pianta, La Paro, et al., 2008). In first grade, classroom organization measured posttest was associated with math achievement, B = 0.97, SE = 0.40, p = .02. Hamagami, A. Table 8 First-Stage Results for Instrumental Variables Model: Assignment to INSIGHTS on Classroom Emotional Support and Organization in Kindergarten, Table 9 Second-Stage Results for Instrumental Variables Model: Classroom Emotional Support and Organization Mediating the Effect of INSIGHTS Assignment on Math and Reading Achievement in First Grade. Social Learning Theory, theorized by Albert Bandura, posits that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. The critical assumption not met in this analysis, however, is the exclusion restriction. Alexander (1997) studies the relationship between academic performance and intelligence, learning strategies and academic performance. Work by Abry, Hulleman, and Rimm-Kaufman (2015) done on one SEL program—the Responsive Classroom approach—has found that fidelity to the intervention model is important for promoting children’s academic outcomes. These classroom-level impacts are theorized to mediate program impacts on children’s social-emotional and academic outcomes (e.g., Cappella et al., 2012; Hawkins, Kosterman, Catalano, Hill, & Abbott, 2005). The evidence is less clear that gender is related to achievement in kindergarten and first grade (Robinson & Lubienski, 2011). The biggest advantage of social media is better communication. These behaviors will likely support positive academic outcomes. Social-emotional learning (SEL) programs have demonstrated positive effects on children’s social-emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes, as well as classroom climate. To perform is to produce valued results. The Stage 1 equation is, In the second stage, the intervention-predicted values of classroom emotional support and organization were used to generate unbiased estimates of the effect of classroom emotional support and organization on children’s academic outcomes (Yij), adjusting for pretreatment covariates. Japel, C. (, Durlak, J. Finally, Part 3 focuses on strategies that support children in becoming more socially competent, particularly when encountering situations that are temperamentally challenging. Students academic gain and learning performance is affected by numerous factor including gender, age, teaching faculty, students schooling, father/guardian social economic status, residential area of students, medium of instructions in schools, tuition trend, daily study hour and accommodation as hostelries or day scholar. We did not test for mediated impacts in kindergarten using IPTW given nonsignificant effects for both regression and IVE analyses. Given research suggesting the importance of early intervention (Barnett, 2011; Leak et al., 2010), this result was somewhat unexpected. Multilevel regression analyses, instrumental variables estimation, and inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) were used to conduct quantitative analyses. Social Learning Theory integrated behavioral and cognitive theories of learning in order to provide a comprehensive model that could account for the wide range of learning experiences that occur in the real world. In all, 30% of parents and 83% of teachers attended both sessions. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. In practice, there should be the same number of instruments as there are mediators to address the exclusion restriction. Parents reported on demographic characteristics, child temperament, and family involvement. Schools in this study had higher levels of eligibility for free/reduced lunch and lower state test scores than schools in the city taken as a whole. Based in work by Burchinal, Vandergrift, Pianta, and Mashburn (2010) identifying threshold effects for classroom quality on child outcomes, we used a score of 4.7 to identify classrooms with “high emotional support and organization.” Thus, treatment is binarized for this approach, rather than treated continuously. This measure was included as a covariate given links between attention and academic achievement (Razza, Martin, & Brooks-Gunn, 2010). With respect to reading instruction more specifically, there is some work to suggest that elementary school teachers are better prepared to teach literacy skills, relative to math (Tatto & Senk, 2011). In kindergarten, the B paths linking the mediators with achievement were nonsignificant for both classroom emotional support and organization. If an SEL program can improve the overall quality of relationships between teachers, students, and peers in the classroom setting, students may be more likely to engage in classroom activities, listen to their teacher, and ask teachers and peers for help with academic tasks. This is the effect of classroom emotional support on math achievement for those students who would have experienced higher emotional support if their classroom was assigned to INSIGHTS and would have experienced lower emotional support if their classroom was not assigned to INSIGHTS. Broadly, INSIGHTS is a preventive school-based intervention designed to enhance the development of low-income primary grade students at-risk for academic and behavioral difficulties. SEL programs broadly aim to enhance an interrelated set of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills regarded as foundational for academic performance. Thus, there is a lack of empirical evidence for the hypothesized theories of change that many classroom-based SEL program espouse. During the first live classroom observation, data collectors observed with a master coder to ensure agreement in live coding. Walberg's (1981) theory of educational productivity, which is one of the few empirically tested theories of school learning based on an extensive review and integration of over 3,000 studies (DiPerna, Volpe & Stephen, 2002). This finding builds on previous work demonstrating impacts of SEL programs on emotionally supportive teaching practices—safety, warmth, sensitivity, and regard for teacher practices (e.g., Brown et al., 2010; Cappella et al., 2012; Raver et al., 2011). At the same time, most SEL programs are either explicitly designed to be delivered in concert with literacy instruction (e.g., 4Rs, RULER) or implemented during literacy instruction given more potential overlap between relevant lessons and themes. It is proactive, self-organizing, self-reflecting and self-regulating. She received a PhD in clinical and community psychology from the University of California, Berkeley. Professionally produced vignettes guide the children in problem solving daily dilemmas with the help of the puppets and their classmates. Extant work has identified associations between each of the confounding covariates described below and the mechanisms or outcomes. Teachers and parents attended two 2-hour workshops in which reading coaches provided materials and presented strategies to enhance literacy. Understanding more about mechanisms of SEL programs would entail identifying and testing how interventions improve proximal outcomes (or mediators), which in turn link to more distal outcomes like academic achievement. Using indices of fidelity to intervention core components to identify program active ingredients, The influence of fidelity of implementation on teacher–student interaction quality in the context of a randomized controlled trial of the Responsive Classroom approach, Identification of causal effects using instrumental variables, Effectiveness of early educational intervention, The moderator–mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations, Effects of Head Start REDI on children’s outcomes 1 year later in different kindergarten contexts, School readiness. Between data collection periods, each data collector passed a video-based continuing reliability test (Pianta, La Paro, et al., 2008). In this study, we are explicitly interested in the classroom-level mechanisms (emotional support and organization) theorized to explain the impacts of INSIGHTS on student achievement. These include improvements in teaching practice, peer interactions, parent-child relationships, overall classroom behavioral engagement, and specific intervention components (e.g., coaching, training, PD). Similarly, there was also evidence for the impact of first grade classroom organization on math achievement at the end of first grade for the children who experienced high classroom organization, relative to students experiencing lower levels of classroom organization, B = 1.13, SE = 0.41, p = .03, ES = 0.47 (see bottom panel of Table 9). At baseline, children in INSIGHTS evidenced lower overall scores on reading achievement than their peers in the supplemental reading program. A 1997 study suggests that “there is no clear causal relationship between video game playing and academic performance” (Emes, 1997, p. 413). Observations were conducted by a single data collector blind to intervention condition and trained to reliability according to the following procedures: (a) 2-day training with a certified CLASS trainer and (b) scoring within one point of gold-standard codes on 80% of CLASS dimensions across five 15-minute video segments. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education. . IVE uses a two-stage least squares regression with the ivregress command in Stata 12 to estimate (a) the within-grade posttest effect of INSIGHTS on classroom emotional support and organization (Stage 1) and (b) the within-grade effect of classroom emotional support and organization on kindergarten and first grade students’ academic outcomes posttest for those classrooms in which emotional support and organization improved as a result of INSIGHTS (Stage 2; Angrist, Imbens, & Rubin, 1996; Gelman & Hill, 2007). Recent work focused on preschool settings indicates similar associations for lower income, racial/ethnic minority pre-K students (e.g., Hamre, Hatfield, Pianta, & Jamil, 2014). Sharing links are not available for this article. Resources might be directed to support classroom improvements in settings that are at higher risk for poor student achievement in the short term. When replicating or scaling up INSIGHTS and other SEL programs with similar theories of change, it will be important to consider how classroom emotional support and organization operate as key factors promoting student achievement. Even given these possibilities, a critical, understudied limitation in understanding null effects on academic outcomes is the lack of research examining the proximal pathways through which SEL programs improve more distal outcomes. The e-mail addresses that you supply to use this service will not be used for any other purpose without your consent. Kindergarten teachers are thus challenged to help new students learn about how to conduct themselves, manage behaviors, and engage in productive routines, perhaps making it more difficult for an SEL program to show a significant impact on classroom organization across the kindergarten year. Children are introduced to four puppets that represent the four temperament profiles. Discretion and Disproportionality: Explaining the Underrepresentation of High-Achieving Student... Greening for academic achievement: Prioritizing what to plant and wher... Qualitative Process Evaluation of Rural Schools: Uptake of Change Proc... An intervention promoting understanding of achievement emotions with m... Abry, T., Hulleman, C. S., Rimm-Kaufman, S. E. (, Abry, T., Rimm-Kaufman, S. E., Larsen, R. A., Brewer, A. J. Theory of Performance The Theory of Performance (ToP) develops and relates six foundational concepts (italicized) to form a framework that can be used to explain performance as well as performance improvements. Performance Standards and Reinforcements effects on children's academic performance: A test of social learning theory @article{Barling2005PerformanceSA, title={Performance Standards and Reinforcements effects on children's academic performance: A test of social learning theory}, author={J. Barling}, … Perhaps most compelling, in a meta-analysis of 213 programs, Durlak and colleagues (2011) found that, across all participants, SEL participants evidenced an 11-percentile-point gain in academic achievement postintervention as compared to children in the control group. Parents reported on demographic characteristics. β1 is a vector of the predicted probabilities for all covariates. Lean Library can solve it. 1. Howes, C. (, McClowry, S. G., Rodriguez, E. T., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Spellmann, M. E., Carlson, A., Snow, D. L. (, McCormick, M. P., O’Connor, E. E., Cappella, E., McClowry, S. G. (, Morrissey, T. W., Hutchison, L., Winsler, A. Agreement between data collectors and master coders was above 80% for all observations. the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Reading achievement, however, may be less related to the pattern of social interactions at the classroom level and more associated with individual time spent on-task practicing literacy skills. As initially outlined by Bandura and Walters in 1963 and further detailed in 1977, key tenets of Social Learning Theory are as follows: For classroom-level variables, ICCs were .16 and .18 for kindergarten classroom emotional support and organization, and .18 and .21 for first grade classroom emotional support and organization. Thus, as expected, in Stage 2 (Table 7), there were no significant mediated effects of either mediator on math or reading achievement in kindergarten. The stable unit treatment value assumption is somewhat untenable, given the nested nature of the data. Simply select your manager software from the list below and click on download. Baseline levels of reading and math achievement were also used as confounding covariates in this article. In separate studies, some SEL programs have demonstrated positive effects at both the classroom and child levels (Brown, Jones, LaRusso, & Aber, 2010; Raver et al., 2011; Rivers, Brackett, Reyes, Elbertson, & Salovey, 2013). Instead, there is a different critical assumption that there is ignorability of selection into mediation groups (typically discussed as ignorability of selection into treatment), conditional on covariates (Page, 2012). Moreover, because most evaluations of SEL programs have used intent-to-treat research designs, little is known about how SEL programs work. Of the children enrolled, 24% participated in the full 10 sessions; an additional 19% took part in 8 or 9 sessions. The 8-item Mathematics subscale reflects skills related to use and application of numbers, including computation, and problem solving. Rather than the environment Given the current policy focus in K–12 education on testing and achievement, policy makers and practitioners are particularly interested in whether school-based programs do improve academic outcomes. (, Hagelskamp, C., Brackett, M. A., Rivers, S. E., Salovey, P. (, Hamre, B., Hatfield, B., Pianta, R., Jamil, F. (, Hamre, B. K., Pianta, R. C., Downer, J. T., DeCoster, J., Mashburn, A. J., Jones, S. M., . INSIGHTS included (a) teacher sessions, (b) parent sessions, and (c) universal classroom sessions. That is what he means by triadic reciprocality. Two subscales of the Academic Competence Evaluation Scale (DiPerna & Elliott, 2000) measured teacher perceptions of children’s achievement-related behaviors in reading and mathematics. To limit the scope of this article, we focus on linking classroom-level mechanisms to study achievement outcomes and do not consider more distal social-emotional outcomes. In addition, there are no data to determine the exact number of SEL programs being implemented across the country. Some society journals require you to create a personal profile, then activate your society account, You are adding the following journals to your email alerts, Did you struggle to get access to this article? Next, children will show improvements in social-emotional and academic skills. IPTW also requires a number of assumptions to infer causality. Workbooks and vocabulary flash cards are also incorporated into the sessions. Persons use various vicarious, symbolic, and self-regulatory processes as they strive to develop a sense of … Please check you selected the correct society from the list and entered the user name and password you use to log in to your society website. Sandee G. Mcclowry is a professor of applied psychology and teaching and learning at New York University. Most states will grant licenses to preservice elementary school teachers even if they fail the math section of the licensure exam (Epstein & Miller, 2011). All regression models used robust standard errors to account for nonnegligible clustering. Thus, three statistical methods will be used to examine the two research questions. SNSs are now simply part of how students interact with each other with no apparent impact on grades. Schools were the unit of random assignment. During the same 10-week period, the participating children and their classmates participate in a 45-minute classroom component. Finally, the stable unit treatment value assumption assumes that the outcome for a given individual is not dependent on the experienced treatment of another individual in the sample. (, Angrist, J. D., Imbens, G. W., Rubin, D. B. The INSIGHTS theory of change (see Appendix A) theorizes that following implementation, the program will first enhance classroom emotional support and organization. Of the 22 schools, 11 were randomized to INSIGHTS (n = 225 students; n = 57 teachers) and 11 hosted the supplemental reading program, which served as the attention-control condition (n = 210 students; n = 63 teachers). Ecological and systems theories offer an additional perspective on school-based interventions by specifying the multiple levels of the ecology in which children are embedded (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 1998). Constructivist Theory. All teachers reported having a bachelor’s degree; 96% had a master’s degree. Social cognitive theory, according to Bandura, is not reacting to things around us. Students with lower levels of parental education, parents who were not married, and those with more behavior problems were most likely to be missing outcome data, equally across the treatment and comparison groups. Somewhat related to this, classroom emotional support and organization were operationalized differently across the methods. Keywords : Students performance, communication, learning facilities, proper guidance and family stress. Additional limitations include the nongeneralizability of the sample to higher income, nonurban schools. The broader goal of the study is to (a) provide information on research methodology that enhances causal inference for noncausal questions in randomized trials, (b) increase evidence for multilevel SEL program theories of change, and (c) inform future SEL program design and implementation. It states that learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction, even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement. For more information view the SAGE Journals Sharing page. Did the INSIGHTS program improve classroom organization, thus leading to improvements in student math and reading achievement in kindergarten and first grade? After accounting for these predicted values in Stage 1, the results of Stage 2 models revealed evidence for the impact of first grade classroom emotional support on math achievement at the end of first grade, B = 0.88, SE = 0.41, p = .04, ES = 0.13 (see top panel of Table 9). A systems framework is helpful in the current article because several SEL programs (e.g., Brackett et al., 2012; Brown et al., 2010; Cappella et al., 2012; Raver et al., 2011) were indeed designed to induce changes in the pattern of social interactions between students and adults, and between students and peers in classroom settings. However, the Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) has identified 19 effective program models, meaning there is some rigorous evidence for their ability to improve elementary school children’s social-emotional, behavioral, and/or academic outcomes (CASEL, 2014). Some programs also integrate schoolwide and family components that target services at multiple developmental contexts (Greenberg et al., 2003). Social learning theory is a theory of learning and social behaviour which proposes that new behaviours can be acquired by observing and imitating others. And, In addition, before examining mediated impacts in first grade, we examined balance between the predicted probabilities for the high and low emotional support and classroom organization groups. She received an EdD in human development and education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Khan (2012) explore the impact of social networking websites on students. Hamre and colleagues (2013) reviewed the three-factor structure of the CLASS across 4,035 classrooms in the preschool and elementary school grades. This study also found evidence of mediation in first grade but not in kindergarten. After baseline data were collected in kindergarten, a random numbers table was used to randomly assign schools to INSIGHTS or a supplemental reading program (i.e., comparison group). Children who successfully develop core social-emotional and behavioral competencies (e.g., emotional and behavioral regulation, attention skills) in preschool are more likely to successfully navigate the transition to elementary school (Fantuzzo et al., 2007; Rimm-Kaufman, Curby, Grimm, Nathanson, & Brock, 2009). In addition, there must be sufficient overlap between treatment and control. This measure was included as a covariate given links between behavior problems and lower academic achievement (van Lier et al., 2012). Still, we argue that by using a variety of methods to examine the same research questions, it may still be possible to increase confidence in the findings from the mediation models (assuming results across methods are consistent). She received a PhD in applied psychology with a concentration in quantitative analysis from New York University. This measure was included as a covariate given correlations between dimensions of temperament and academic achievement in elementary school (Valiente et al., 2013). This study was intended to explore the motivational beliefs and learning strategy use by Liberian junior and senior high school students in connection with their academic performance. There may, however, be other positive effects of SEL programs on classrooms and students. However, using school fixed effects to account for group differences may address some concern related to the analysis meeting this assumption. Findings from regression analyses from kindergarten for classroom emotional support and organization are presented in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. An F statistic greater than 10 typically is thought to describe a strong instrument. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Please read and accept the terms and conditions and check the box to generate a sharing link. academic performance as refl ected in more positive social behaviors, fewer conduct problems, less emotional distress, and better grades and achievement test scores (Col-laborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, 2005; Zins et al., 2004). Parents received $20 and teachers received PD credit and $40 for resources for each workshop. Table 2 Regressions Predicting Academic Achievement From Assignment to INSIGHTS and Classroom Emotional Support in Kindergarten, Table 3 Regressions Predicting Academic Achievement From Assignment to INSIGHTS and Classroom Organization in Kindergarten. View or download all the content the society has access to. Some programs also theorize that program impacts on children’s outcomes will be partially explained by improvements in classroom social processes, namely classroom emotional support and organization. . Inconsistent findings related to academic outcomes, however, are difficult to understand and potentially misleading because few studies of SEL programs have even considered academic outcomes. We included this measure as a covariate to control for teacher perceptions of achievement, which have been linked to standardized assessments of achievement (Südkamp, Kaiser, & Möller, 2012). A. M., Lonczak, H. S., Hawkins, J. D. (, Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning . The mediated effect on math but not reading for two of the methods may reflect the fact that children who are in positive, secure, and safe environments are more comfortable taking the types of cognitive risks (e.g., possibility of failure) necessary to learn new math skills in first grade (Curby, Rimm-Kaufman, & Ponitz, 2009). All classrooms were classified as regular education, with an average of 16.57 students (SD = 3.54). The eight facilitators were graduate students in psychology, education, and educational theater from varied racial/ethnic backgrounds. Then they learned how to use the intervention materials from an experienced facilitator. The average alpha was .96 at T1. Two particular dimensions of classroom social processes that have been extensively examined are classroom emotional support and organization (e.g., Brown et al., 2010; Cappella et al., in press; Rivers et al., 2013). MI assumes data are missing at random. In the first stage, separate ordinary least squares regressions with robust standard errors were used to predict classroom emotional support and organization from exogenous instruments (random assignment to INSIGHTS or control condition), adjusting for pretreatment covariates. Given these trends, there may simply be more room for growth in math achievement attributed to gains in classroom climate, relative to reading. Finally, there must be evidence of balance between the treatment group (in this case, high emotional support / classroom organization) and the control group (low emotional support / classroom organization). (, Spilt, J. L., Hughes, J. N., Wu, J. Y., Kwok, O. M. (, Valiente, C., Eisenberg, N., Spinrad, T. L., Haugen, R. G., Thompson, M. S., Kupfer, A. As such, after examining IVE mediation estimates, we will run additional models using inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) to examine classroom emotional support and organization as mediators linking INSIGHTS and students’ academic outcomes. Somewhat related to use this service will not be used to examine the classroom-level! And colleagues ( 2013 ) results by examining potential pathways through which INSIGHTS improved student achievement research assistants information. No significant effecton the social learning theory is a lack of impulsivity—which added! 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